Friday, May 31, 2019

Best places

We love to write about food and drink. because food and drink are very important to people and animals to get energy and to be live. This is our take on some of the best food cultures and destinations. Those countries would be the best places to get great food, special, traditional foods could be one of the things to get there too.
Here's a list, which cuisine is king as you plan where you'll travel next:

10. United States
This may be because of most of the popular foods in the USA origin in some other country. but there are some of the cuisine forms are great like Cheeseburger, Chocolate chip cookie.

9. Mexico
Mexico is the best place to choose if you were only allowed to eat the food of one country for the rest of your life.

8. Thailand
Thai foods are very amazing, and the best part about eating Thai food in Thailand though is hospitality. Sun, beach, service with a smile -- that's a good life.

7. Greece
Traveling and eating in Greece feels like you get the first date in your life. Eating in Greece is also a way of consuming history.

6. India 
When India's cuisine uses spices in such abundance that the meat and vegetables with the cooks dedicated to flavor. There are no rules for spice usage as long as it results in something delicious. 

5. Japan
It's impossible to not to eat in Japan. In Japan, most the cuisines have showcased some of the fundamental flavors of Japanese food, simple and wholesome as Miso soup, Sushi and sashimi, Tempura.


4. Spain
Spanish cuisine is heavily influenced by historical processes that shaped local culture and society. These cooking methods and ingredients are still present in the gastronomy of the various regions that make up Spain. Thus, the current and old cuisine of Spain incorporates old and new traditions.

3. France
French cuisine developed throughout the centuries influenced by the many surrounding cultures of Europe, in addition to its own food traditions on the long western coastlines of the Atlantic, the Channel and of course inland. Cheese and wine are a major part of the cuisine. They play different roles regionally and nationally, with many variations and appellation.

2. China
In China, The people who greet each other with "Have you eaten yet?". Food has been a form for the Chinese throughout its tumultuous history.

1. Italy
We know Italian food has famous around the globe for centuries, with its zesty tomato sauces, those clever things they do with wheat flour and desserts that are basically vehicles for cream. It's all so simple. Get some noodles, get some olive oil, get some garlic, maybe a tomato or a slice of bacon. And it is all so easy to cook and eat.

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Traditional Foods

Traditional foods are foods that are passed through generations or which have been consumed many generations. Traditional foods and dishes ...